The advantages of multi-media in the post industrial age, of high speed communication and physical confinement of the new pandemic age, I find myself listening to background political babble speak for the share of air time conversation of like group thought. Wavelengths of opposing thoughts. The virtual worlds of media projecting arbitrary views claiming truth flagged with party loyal behavior while it's real world subjects are cemented in situational life and death reality in the physical world.
I have associated these to the propaganda machines of the cold war. Both sides claiming victory and superiority, a better way for society to exist. In some cases claiming the other side is involved in the new cold war propaganda machines and funded by cold war opposition.
It is no wonder why the Justice System seems be the Oracle of wisdom and calm. While science and math is debated over analysis of opposing data.
The new premise of alternate facts is associated to the new virtual reality group speak that is communicated even in the highest of political offices, a detachment from the physical reality of the poor.